For troop meeting activity information refer to the meeting schedule page. If you want to be part of running this troop and find out what you can do to help, please join us at our next Troop Committee Meeting, held the second Thursday of every month except July, at 7:30 p.m. usually in the Main Hall at St Mary. The meeting is open to all scout parents. We also hold Parent patrol meetings the first Monday of every month. The agenda for each parent patrol is different but open to all parents who want to learn more about the troop and how to help their scouts get more out of scouting. All parents are encouraged to attend. We hope to see you there!
For more information regarding upcoming outings refer to the newsletter.
Upcoming Special Troop Meetings and activities:
2022 Scheduled Activities - Will be updated following the next PLC meeting
2023 proposed Merit Badge and
High Adventure Activities List
(1) Merit Badge Camp – Scouts all ages
(2) Any scout who has attended Napowan
(3) Scouts at least 14 years old
(4) Scouts at least 13 years old