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Troop 140 Buffalo Grove
Troop 140 Buffalo Grove

On behalf of everyone in Troop 140, we want to thank all of the sponsors below for their generosity and support of our troop. We greatly appreciate your kind consideration.

 Wheeling Auto Center services and maintains the troop trailer. 

 Master Hitch of Palatine provided  repairs and service to the troop trailer hitch. 

 Harris Bank we thank them for their support.
 Buffalo Grove Bank & Trust thank you for their support
 Culvers, Buffalo Groveregularly donates food and services as well as donations 
                                                                            to the troop and for Eagle Projects.
John Holt Memorial    In memory of John Holt, former Troop Treasurer,  This fund supports and provides funding 
for special needs camperships.
St. Mary Mens Club   The Mens Club generously supports the troop by donating funds earmarked to provide 
funding for Eagle Scout Projects.

Disclaimer: The troop does not sell advertising space. The listing of the benefactors should not be construed as 
an advertisement, solicitation or endorsement of the benefactors by the troop. They are solely recognized for the 
positive assistance they provide to the troop and the scouts.