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Troop 140 Buffalo Grove
Troop 140 Buffalo Grove

First Year Scouts Program Plan:

Our first year program begins with the first Monday night troop meeting in March. At that time we have a program designed specifically for the first year scouts and their parents. The scouts have an orientation about the troop and some of the differences between Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts. At the same time, we run an orientation program with questions and answers for the parents of the new scouts. It is a great way to kick off our program and answers many of the questions that everyone has. Troop 140 Information and Guidelines

Visit the Meeting Schedule page to review the planned activities for every troop meeting through the end of the year.  Troop meeting schedules are subject to change.  You can also download the schedule for regular review by clicking on Troop Meetings 2015-2016 program.
We also talk about our first camp out later that month which is specifically designed to give the new scouts a very complete introduction to our troop and scouting. There are activities planned for the whole weekend that cover many different requirements for advancement while camping in cabins. 
Some of the activities include:

  • Orienteering and compass course
  • Cooking
  • Knife and Axe safety
  • Fire building
  • Introduction to camping stoves
  • Knots & lashings
  • Nature
  • Campsite selection and outdoor code.
Following the camp out, almost every troop meeting will cover another of the requirements needed for advancement.  The goal being that if the scout participates in the meetings and outings, that they will have completed the requirements to achieve First Class by the en of their first year.  On each monthly camp out there are many opportunities for rank advancement and requirements sign off.  (**Please note, the only signatures accepted in their books for requirement completion are those of the troop leaders and select designated senior scouts, Parents are not allowed to sign off in their scouts book.)


Here is a great on-line resource for videos that cover all the scout rank requirements.  Check it out! This series of videos (which may also be downloaded as podcasts) demonstrate how to fulfill each and every requirement for the first four ranks of Boy Scouting.
Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class and first Class Requirements

Many new scout parents are mystified by the various Ranks and Merit Badges of the Boy Scout Program. Some think it takes an expert to figure it out – especially at a Troop meeting with 50-60 energetic scouts, 10-20 adults and many activities happening all at the same time. It can all be very confusing. For those who want the “down and dirty”, here is an overview of the Troop 140 “Advancement Plan”.

There are seven Boy Scout Ranks.

The First Four Ranks are: